TWO veterans of the Russian space programme will be in the region today to talk to young people about the possibility of a manned trip to Mars.

Former cosmonaut Colonel Alexander Volkov, and Dr Alexander Martynov, who was head of ballistics, at mission control, near Moscow, will be speaking at an Institute of Physics Christmas lecture, at York University at 6.30pm.

During their visit, Colonel Volkov will become the first person who has been in space to visit the 19th Century astronomical observatory in the city's Museum Gardens.

The 56-year-old is a veteran of several space missions, including flights on the Salut and Mir space stations.

Dr Martynov, 59, designed re-entry modules to enable soft landings on Earth, Mars, Venus and other planets of the Solar System.

Their lecture will take place in the department of physics, at the university's Heslington campus, covering such topics as life on Mir, the prospects of a Mars mission and the technology required.

Dr David Jenkins, of the university's department of physics, said: "The lecture will provide a rare opportunity for the public to find out more about the science and engineering issues involved in a manned expedition to Mars."

Tickets are available from the department of physics, at £3 for adults, £2.50 for students and free for under-18s.

People are advised to book. Tickets are available from Dr Jenkins or Jo Crawford, on (01904) 432248 or (01904) 432241.