WORK has started on a £3.5m business development at one of the regions largest industrial estates.

The development, funded by regional development agency One NorthEast, will create office and business accommodation at Aycliffe Industrial Park, in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, and may eventually create up to 72 jobs and help 40 companies.

This is in addition to the estimated 45 construction jobs that have been created by work on the 40-acre site.

One NorthEast, working with a number of partners, including Sedgefield Borough Council and the authority's business service, has been helping to develop and regenerate the area under the Heart Of The Park scheme.

Christine Smith, deputy chairwoman of One NorthEast, said: "Our hope is that this new development will address the regional shortage of high-quality managed office and business incubation accommodation, in a prime strategic location and will be vital to the future success of this area and the region as a whole."

Developments on the estate include a factory providing IT training, accommodation, lettable floor space and facilities, and Maple Way, an industrial development with 70,000sq ft of space in nine buildings.

Councillor Kester Noble, deputy leader of Sedgefield Borough Council with responsibility for regneration, said: "This should provide help and support to new and existing businesses to grow and expand, encourage further investment, and provide long-term employment opportunities in Sedgefield borough."