FILM fans will soon be able to pop down to their nearest village hall to see the latest movie releases thanks to a new touring film scheme.

Rural Screen has been launched by Thirsk-based charity Rural Arts. On show will be a variety of films, from classics to recent releases.

They will be screened at any suitable venue, from village halls to community centres.

Angela Hall, director of Rural Arts, said: "We are very excited at getting the funding to set up Rural Screen.

It will mean that more people will be able to see films as they were meant to be seen, on a big screen, with all the detail for which the film was designed, and with other people."

It is hoped the scheme will allow development of a range of film-making opportunities through local projects and film festivals.

Rural Screen will also support local and regional amateur film makers by screening films and work of special interest, including children's films, archive footage and film project work.

Rural Arts will provide a subsidised programme of films to choose from, the projectionist and the equipment for each screening. The first screenings will take place in spring.

For more information and an application pack, contact Rural Arts by calling (01845) 526536.