Chester Moor : ELSIE Haddick welcomed members and the guest speaker.

Mrs A Ward was presented with a basket of flowers in celebration of her 90th birthday.

Brenda Kristiansen gave a talk wearing one of Norway's colourful national costumes. Her slides illustrated only a small selection of these outfits, which are still worn on special occasions. Many of the head-dresses indicated marital status. There is a revival of interest in these costumes by young women. All are made by the wearer with elaborate hand-sewn embroidery taking several years to make.

She was thanked by Joyce Cheeseman and applauded by the members.

Mrs G Clasper won the competition for a small costume doll. The door prize was won by Mrs MacDonald.

There was a short business meeting outlining speakers and events for 2005.

Mrs Haddick wished all members a very happy Christmas.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 11, at 2pm, in the Lower Hall of the United Reformed Church, Low Chare.