AN 84-year-old woman was seriously hurt when she was attacked by a robber who made off with Christmas presents.

The unnamed woman was struck on the back of her head as she walked in the Milton Square area of Gateshead at 5pm on Wednesday.

She fell and suffered a fractured hip and head injuries that required stitches. She was taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, in Gateshead, where she was recovering last night.

Detective Inspector Steve Binks, who is leading the investigation, said: "We do not know how many people were involved and do not have a description. The woman had been returning from visiting relatives in hospital.

"She had her handbag stolen. It contained personal items and vouchers she had received as Christmas gifts.

"This was a despicable act on a defenceless elderly woman."

Anyone with information is asked to call 0191-454 7555 ext 64144