AN £800,000 flood relief scheme is due to start in Northallerton next week.

The long-awaited sewer scheme should help reduce the risk of flooding on busy streets around County Hall.

Yorkshire Water confirmed that contractors Mott MacDonald Bentley are expected to arrive on site from next week.

The project, which will take several months, will see the existing sewer system beneath Broomfield Avenue enlarged, and the construction of a new sewer system beneath Thornley Avenue.

A new tank sewer will also be built beneath the County Hall car park to hold storm water and sewer effluent until it can be safely discharged at a controlled rate into the main sewer beneath Racecourse Lane.

There will also be improvements made to the pumping stations at Broomfield Drive and Cleveland Drive.

There will be some construction noise and increased traffic around the sites, but contractors have said disturbance will be kept to a minimum.

"We recognise this is a sensitive area as it involved residential streets, a register office and the hub of local government," said project manager Chris Freeman.

"Some leeway has been built into the schedule to allow us to shut down during wedding ceremonies and so we can avoid clashing with important council services.

"Unfortunately, some disruption is inevitable, but we hope people will agree the long-term benefits are worth some short-term inconvenience."

Neither Yorkshire Water nor Mott MacDonald Bentley workers should need access to local homes while the work is in progress and residents are urged to check the identities of any callers claiming to represent either company.

Genuine employees carry identity cards, which can be checked by calling 0845 124 2429.