A TAXI driver was dragged along a road by his vehicle after a teenager stole his cab from outside a pub, a court heard yesterday.

Tyrone Ackerman saw the Ford Mondeo car outside the Kingfisher pub, in Hemlington, Middlesbrough, with the keys in the ignition and the engine running.

The 17-year-old, who had earlier been thrown out of the pub, jumped into the vehicle and was pursued by taxi driver Geoffrey Charlton.

Teesside Crown Court yesterday heard that Mr Charlton left the car for a short time while he went in the pub to pick up a fare.

Shaun Dodds, prosecuting, said: "He was gone a matter of seconds and when he returned to the car, he saw someone in the driver's seat.

"He ran to the vehicle, opened the door and told the defendant to get out. The vehicle started to reverse at speed."

Mr Charlton was dragged along the road for ten metres before he fell and the vehicle was driven off.

Ackerman, of Enderby Gardens, Hemlington, Middlesbrough, who had a history of driving offences and burglary, previously admitted robbery.

Robin Turton, in mitigation, said: "It was an offence committed in drink. He has a problem with drink and has sought help."

Judge John Walford sentenced him to a 24-month detention and training order.