SHOPPERS in Darlington gave their verdict yesterday on the multi-million pound plan by supermarket chain Tesco to redevelop the town centre.

The plan would see a new town hall being built as well as a superstore and housing.

Janet Bell, 46, of Hurworth, said: "It's a waste of money as far as I'm concerned. What's the point of knocking down the town hall to just replace it with another one? It's not exactly dropping down is it?"

Craig Jones, 36, of Bluebell Way, Darlington, said: "In principle, I'm in favour of this development. The town hall has been a carbuncle since it was built and as long as it is at no cost to the taxpayer I have no objections. The only issue I'd have would be the impact on car parking space."

Doreen Henderson, 72, of Speedwell Close, Darlington, said: "I've lived in Darlington for 60 years and there have been a lot of positive changes in that time. But this is just change for the sake of it. I'm quite happy with the town hall we've got."

Jane Clennell, 35, of Bowen Road, Darlington, said: "I'm a big fan of Tesco, so for me I wouldn't mind seeing another supermarket in the town. I certainly wouldn't be against them developing the area around the town hall, which is quite rundown and could do with an overhaul."

Chris Hodge, 25, of Hollyhurst Road, Darlington, said: "There's little enough space in the town centre as it is without the addition of a new supermarket. I can't see there's any need for this and it could lead to extra congestion."

Elizabeth Scarre, 23, of Hollyhurst Road, Darlington, said: "I'd like to know how they plan to manage the changes to the town hall. Where are they going to move services while this new building is going up? It seems like a lot of upheaval for no good reason."

Dorothy Stockley, 50, of Easington, who works in Darlington, said: "I think it's a terrible idea. Darlington is a lovely town centre with a nice old market and I think bringing a new supermarket in would have a very bad effect on business for small traders. We're already overloaded with supermarkets as it is."