SCHOOL children have given a sneak preview of a Roman display set to go on show at a public museum.

Romans Revisited was the brainchild of year seven pupils at Huntcliff School, Saltburn, east Cleveland.

Their inspiration came from a visit to a Roman fort.

Display boards and models will be on show at Kirkleatham Museum, Redcar, from Monday.

The group unveiled their work yesterday showing the reconstructed Roman gateway at Arbeia at South Shields.

The displays also give a general history of the Roman Empire, including the legend of Romulus and Remus, the death of Julius Caesar, Roman battles, the destruction of Pompeii, chariot races and gladiator fights.

History teacher Hannah Mohon said: "We're absolutely delighted with the students' work and we're thrilled it can now go on display to a wider audience.

"It all began with a visit to the Arbeia Roman Fort and there's no doubt that that experience provided a challenge for the students to develop their interest in such an exciting period of history."

The exhibition runs until January 31.