TRAFFIC in part of East Cleveland is facing major disruption from next week.

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council is to do essential resurfacing work on a stretch of the A173 from Park Pit Corner to Skelton - starting on Monday.

The work, costing £300,000, should take about ten weeks to complete and will mean the road's closure.

Letters to residents and businesses have been sent out and advance warning signs of closure was put in place before Christmas.

The signed diversion route is along the A174, Apple Orchard Bank and Marske bypass, then the B1269 Yearby Bank. Access for residents will be maintained where possible.

The scheme involves drainage improvements and major carriageway resurfacing of the A173 between Park Pit Corner and just west of the 30mph entry signs into Skelton.

Coun Eric Empson said: "This is another essential piece of road maintenance in our ongoing programme on main routes.

"It is one of many major schemes we are doing in this financial year and has been scheduled not to conflict with other projects.

"Our highways partner, Alfred McAlpine, will be working seven days a week in a bid to reduce the estimated duration of the road closure."