A CANNONBALL thought to have been used during a civil war siege at a castle finally "hit" its target 360 years after being fired.

The 20lb iron ball was part of a siege at Helmsley Castle, in North Yorkshire, in 1644. It was found 40 years ago in the Flockwoods area of Duncombe Park and left in a cupboard of a house in Helmsley.

Bob Hutchinson inherited the cannonball when he moved into the house and a newspaper article prompted him to contact English Heritage to see if it was of interest.

The cannonball will be added to the castle's exhibition, which tells how Helmsley's great keep was split in half during the siege.

Mr Hutchinson said: "I've never really know what to do with this cannonball, so I'm pleased to hand it over to English Heritage's care."

English Heritage curator Susan Harrison said: "We are not sure if this cannonball was actually fired during the siege, but the location where it was found does reinforce our understanding of where the Parliamentarian troops were located during the siege."