THE jury in the case of a pensioner accused of a string of sex attacks two decades ago has been unable to reach a verdict.

The panel, sitting at Teesside Crown Court yesterday, told Judge Tony Briggs they could not determine whether Brian Leslie Paylor, of Middleton St George, near Darlington, was guilty or not.

Mr Paylor, a former battleship worker, was accused of raping and assaulting a young child over an eight-year period.

The 65-year-old widower, of Thorntree Gardens, had been standing trial accused of two rapes, three indecent assaults and an attempted rape.

At a hearing on Wednesday, the jury was ordered to return not guilty verdicts on one count of rape and one of indecent assault in light of prosecution evidence.

Mr Paylor had earlier taken the witness box as part of the case for the defence. He strongly denied any sexually activity took place between him and the girl.

He said: "I did not pin her down and try to rape her. It is all completely made up and I don't know why."

Following five hours of deliberations yesterday, the jury foreman said they were unable to reach a verdict on the remaining four counts.

Dan Cordey, prosecuting, said the Crown Prosecution Service would consider its position to determine whether a retrial would be held.