A NORTH-EAST garage boss, a Swiss businessman and a London blood specialist have teamed up to deliver a lifeline to a village devastated in the tsunami disaster.

Through a bank account, set up in Sri Lankan capital Colombo, they have launched a fund to rebuild the small community of Ahungalla, where all three have holiday homes.

By sending the money direct to the island, they say they have ensured it goes directly to the villagers to help them rebuild their lives.

"We have come to regard the islanders who work for us as part of our families," said Tony Watson, who owns a garage business in Weardale, County Durham.

He and his wife, Myrtle, bought a villa at Ahungalla, seven years ago. Because it is 20ft above sea level, it was not badly damaged by the waves.

Their neighbours, Swiss businessman Charly Berger and Professor Graham McKenna, a London-based blood specialist, also escaped relatively unscathed.

But villagers, including the Watsons' houseboys Pryanta and Rosan, have had their homes destroyed and their lives devastated.

"On the day the tsumani struck, Pryanta called us at four in the morning to say his three children were missing, feared dead," said Mrs Watson. "I broke down in tears. It was the worst day of my life."

But Mr Berger rang them later in the day to say the children had been found safe.

It was that which triggered the Watsons and their friends to start the relief fund for the village.

"Charly has already raised a lot of money in Switzerland, and this has been paid into the Colombo bank account," said Mrs Watson.

"He has bought medical supplies, blankets, 100 tents - even new school bags for the children. He has them stored in his villa and will soon start handing them out to villagers.

"We would like to go there as soon as we can," said Mrs Watson, "but it is impossible because the village has no electric or running water."

Meanwhile, back in Weardale, the couple have started their own fundraising effort to help Ahungalla.

On Saturday, January 15, at their local village hall in Frosterley, they will stage a fundraising day, which will include a raffle, cakes stall and sale of bric a brac.

Anyone wishing to donate prizes or cash is asked to contact either Judith Bainbridge on (01388) 527668 or Linda Nelson on (01388) 528602.

"We are hoping this will be the start of a much bigger effort," said Mrs Watson. "The important thing is that we are ensuring the money gets directly to the people who are in greatest need."