SINGER and songwriter Debbie Simpson performs with her band at St Gregory's Church, Crakehall, on January 16.

Married with two children, she has led worship at Methodist churches in East Hull for the past 15 years. She trained as a Methodist local preacher and is now studying for a foundation degree in theology and ministry. Though associated with singing and performing for a long time, it was only three years ago that she started writing songs.

Despite long periods of illness with ME, she released her first album, Rich in Faith, in 2002, and her second Set Me Free, recorded with the backing of a newly-formed band, came out in time for Christmas. "Through my own personal experience, I am keen to increase knowledge of healing and wholeness in Jesus Christ in the Church and the community so that all may know and experience God's healing touch," she said.

The concert, featuring songs from Set Me Free, starts at 6.30. For more details, visit or ring 01677 450518.