Financial director David Lloyd Faulkener could find himself out of a job after a visit to a takeaway.

Faulkener, 44, was banned from driving for two years by Harrogate magistrates after pleading guilty to failing to provide a breath specimen.

A fine of £450 and costs of £50 were also imposed.

Martin Butterworth, prosecuting, said Faulkener had failed to stop his VW Golf, at Milby, near Boroughbridge, on December 29.

The car slowed almost to walking pace but a police officer had to jump out of its path before it stopped. He found Faulkener slouched in the driving seat smelling of drink.

Faulkener refused to take a roadside breath test three times and refused again at Harrogate police station.

Michael Vickers, mitigating, said Faulkener, of The Manor, Helperby, near Easingwold, had been unsure of his legal position and by the time he had been advised by a duty solicitor to take the breath test it was too late.

He had drunk two pints of lager before going for a takeaway. He visited a friend while his food was prepared and drank a single vodka there.

The court heard that Faulkener is the finance director of a family company in Pocklington and had to visit clients all over the country.

The company wrote to the court explaining the difficulties that would follow a ban.