A MEETING of police, council officials, firefighters and Army officers has been held to look at ways of combating crime.

Members of the Richmondshire Community Safety Partnership met at Hipswell Lodge, Catterick Garrison.

Among the issues discussed were projects to reduce anti-social behaviour by youths in Richmond and Colburn.

"It is not often that so many of the team have the chance to meet, so this was a valuable opportunity to discuss the issues currently faced by the partnership and its communities," said Richmondshire District Council community safety co-ordinator Lynda MacDougall.

"The meeting included a team briefing where we each outlined our roles and how they differ throughout the district.

"One area of Richmondshire does not necessarily have the same needs or problems as another."

Mrs MacDougall leads a team of three council officers - an anti-social behaviour co-ordinator, a domestic abuse service co-ordinator and a tenancy relations officer.

Police contribution to the team includes five police community support officers, six community beat officers and a youth action officer, led by community safety sergeant Mick Griffiths. The partnership is undertaking a three-yearly audit of community safety issues.

A number of consultation exercises have been conducted and the findings will be used to create the 2005 to 2008 Crime, Disorder and Drugs Strategy, which will guide the work of the group.

The partnership plans to unveil the strategy with a series of meetings in the spring.