HOMES and businesses are to be given an insight into plans for a £55m housing and leisure development.

An eight-page brochure is being delivered to 18,000 households and businesses in Redcar, starting from Monday, detailing the town's Coatham Enclosure.

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, along with Persimmon Homes, has also organised a week-long exhibition at Redcar's Coatham Bowl, starting on Monday, February 14.

The council's cabinet member for economic development, Councillor Vera Moody, said: "We want the people of Redcar to know what a fabulous opportunity this presents for the town.

"The brochure sets out our plans as well as celebrating the potential of the project, with comments from its supporters, including campaigners from Grasp, Get Redcar A Swimming Pool.

"The exhibition will also give the council another opportunity to engage with the public and to bring back an overall view of the proposals."

Persimmon Homes' regional projects director Peter Jordan said: "The aim of the brochure is to involve all of Redcar's population in the emerging proposals.

"Perhaps most importantly it will stimulate interest in the public exhibition at which a revised masterplan will be presented."

Officers from the council and Persimmon will be at the library between 3pm and 7pm on a number of dates during the exhibition.