A MAN was refused treatment at a casualty department on Christmas Eve because of his abusive behaviour, a court heard yesterday.

Accounts clerk Simon Kennett, 19, appeared in court at Harrogate yesterday to plead guilty to two charges of using behaviour which caused harassment, alarm or distress.

Magistrates' chairman Janet Frankland said: "We are not at all impressed by your behaviour.

"It is the sort of thing this town is getting a bad name for and you have contributed to that."

Martin Butterworth, prosecuting, said Kennett, of Peckett's Way, Harrogate, had been found by police lying in Station Parade early on Christmas morning drunk and mouthing obscenities at passers-by.

Police arrested him when he refused to moderate his behaviour, but once in his cell, he began to throw himself around and banged his head heavily on a wall, causing injuries that included a split chin.

Kennett was taken to Harrogate District Hospital where he began to kick and spit at his police escort.

As a result, nursing staff declined to treat him.

Kennett told the court he could remember going out on Christmas Eve but had no recollection of the rest of the night, other than swearing at a woman.

"I am embarrassed and will make every effort to apologise to the police," he said.

After hearing he had three other alcohol-related convictions - two for bring drunk and disorderly and the third for drink-driving - Mrs Frankland told Kennett: "You have a disgraceful record. You really will have to cut down on your drinking otherwise you are going to damage your health."

Kennett was fined a total of £295 with £50 costs.