TEN young people are closer to seeing their dreams come true thanks to a Katie Sheppard Award.

The award was founded to honour the memory of Katie Sheppard, who was only 19 when she died in a road accident in November 2001.

Eve and Graham Sheppard joined Bettys and Taylors of Harrogate, where Katie had worked in the marketing department, to launch the award scheme.

Bursaries are given to young people, aged between 16 and 19, to help them take the first steps in their chosen career, fulfil an ambition or bring a community project to life.

Ten winners have received awards of up to £2,000.

Rachel Arkinstall, 16, will use her award to travel to an international Girl Guide centre in India.

Aspiring musician Luke Fitton, 16, will be using a bursary to help him with tuition and exam costs

Media student Sarah Ford, 19, will be working on a project in Ghana.

Sebastian Hesketh, 18, will volunteer at a monkey sanctuary in South Africa.

Medical student Janine Lumley, 19, will use her money to help fund a charity trek up Mount Kilimanjaro.

Young explorer Ruth Snowden, 16, will trek in the Peruvian Andes.

Zo Starr, 15, will continue her karate training and Aimee Maud, 18, will use the award to fulfil her ambition of becoming a dancer.

Fundraiser Kerry Cooper, 17, will be volunteering at a South African Wildlife Reserve in the summer, and Kelly Pressley, 17, will give her award to Springwater School, in Starbeck, to help it complete a sensory woodland walk.

To celebrate their achievements, this year's winners and their families were invited to the new Bettys Caf Tea Room at RHS Harlow Carr Garden, where they were congratulated by Eve and Graham Sheppard, and treated to afternoon tea.