PUB regulars Keith and Carol Sanders have jumped to the other side of the bar and bought their local.

After more than 30 years as customers, the couple have taken over at The Boosbeck Hotel, east Cleveland.

Mr Sanders said: "We've often talked about running our own pub so when the opportunity arose to take on our local we had to go for it.

"Carol and I both have a strong attachment to The Boosbeck Hotel. It's a pub in which we've spent a lot of time over the years and a pub we both care for.

"It still feels strange being stood on the other side of the bar but we're enjoying it and are looking forward to getting stuck in."

Their arrival at The Boosbeck Hotel follows the sale of the pub to Tadcaster Pub Company, which operates 50 community pubs and small hotels cross Yorkshire, the North-East and the Midlands.

Mrs Sanders said: "We've already noticed a few new faces at the bar since taking over so that's a sure sign things are going well.

"Our main aim is to ensure the pub remains a fun, friendly place for people to go."

Simon Jepson, operations manager for Tadcaster Pub Company, said: "As loyal customers over the years, Keith and Carol are in a position to make fantastic tenant licensees.

"They have the knowledge, drive and enthusiasm to make a real success of the business."