A SOLDIER is returning home to talk to young people about a career in the Army.

Craftsman Martin Keegan, from Shildon, is spending two weeks in the Army Careers Information Office in Bishop Auckland town centre, offering advice to local youngsters considering enlisting.

Cfn Keegan, 18, a former pupil of Sunnydale Comprehensive School, Shildon, joined the Army in August 2003. After 12 weeks of initial training, he then completed common foundation and technical foundation courses at Arbourfield and is due to start vehicle mechanic trade training in April.

Since enlisting, Cfn Keegan has taken part in several adventure-training exercises, including a spell in Cyprus, where he is due to return to spend two months with a unit.

He said: "Having been working with the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, I have a good understanding of the careers and promotion prospects available to young people."

For further information about joining the Army, contact the Bishop Auckland Army Careers Information Office on (01325) 464 530 or visit www.army.mod.uk