COUNCILLORS are to look at ways at improving the floral displays in a Teesdale town.

Barnard Castle's garden competition will also be discussed and members of the town council will look at how to encourage more entries.

In a report to town councillors, the clerk Geoff Bosworth, says that in recent meetings a number of issues had been raised about the way in which the garden competition was run and the floral displays were organised.

He adds: "The issues included the need for a small committee to run the garden competition, the encouragement of more entries from all parts of the town, the prospective sponsorship of the floral displays and the council's involvement in the Memorial Garden in Galgate."

Mr Bosworth suggests there could be more interlinking with other organisations, such as Teesdale Marketing, and individual businesses.

Members are asked to give their views at the council's next meeting on Monday at 7pm in the council chamber at Teesdale House, Galgate.