PERMISSION to alter and extend a historic pub should be refused to protect its character, say council officers.

Enterprise Inns has applied to Hambleton District Council for permission extend the Crown and Anchor, in Front Street, Sowerby, near Thirsk.

Under the proposals, single and two-storey extensions would be added on to the back of the Grade II-listed building to provide a beer store, toilet facilities, kitchen and dining room.

Upstairs, there would a third bedroom to enlarge the existing living space.

An outbuilding beside the pub, next to Gravel Hole Lane, would be demolished and replaced with a single-storey extension.

One resident has objected to the plans, saying they would lead to increased noise levels and his property being overlooked, but another villager supported the proposals. He said the improvement to the facilities would result in a "greatly increased amenity".

Council planning officer Sally Leeming said she supported the principle of the plans, but recommended that they be refused planning permission.

"The proposal to improve the facilities of the public house is supported," she said. "It is important to ensure, however, that such improvements are not carried out at the expense of the historic character and appearance of the listed building and the conservation area.

"Overall, the proposed extensions are of bulky appearance with inappropriate design detailing, including flat roofs and top hung opening windows, which fail to respect the original and historic character of the listed building and the conservation area.

"The agent has been advised of the above concerns and together with the applicant has discussed the proposal with the planning officer and together made several suggestions for more acceptable proposals, which would still provide the required upgraded facilities.

"None of the discussed amendments have, however, been submitted and the unacceptability of the current plans is so severe that in order to preserve the historic character of the listed building and conservation area, refusal must be recommended.

"The scheme would also cause a loss of amenity and privacy to the neighbouring residents and refusal is also justified for these reasons."

Councillors will discuss the plans on Thursday.