AN election has been requested to fill a vacant council seat.

The vacancy on the west ward of Barnard Castle Town Council was caused by the resignation of Councillor Anne Francis.

It was advertised in the Press and on noticeboards and residents have until Monday to request an election.

Any request has to be accompanied by the signatures of ten electors.

In a report to councillors, town clerk Geoff Bosworth, said: "It is understood that an election has been requested and the senior committees and elections officer at Teesdale District Council is checking whether the submitted documentation fully meets the criteria.

"There has been one other letter asking for an election, although that particular communication has not been sent in with the necessary signatures."

If an election does take place it will be carried out by Teesdale council and the costs will be met by the town council.

A verbal report will be given by Mr Bosworth to the town council at its next meeting on Monday, at 7pm in the council chamber, Teesdale House, Barnard Castle.