AN ACADEMIC whose work straddles the often competing fields of Christian theology and science has been awarded a second PhD.

Durham University scientist and theologian David Wilkinson was previously awarded a PhD in theoretical astrophysics for his work on the evolution of the galaxies and cosmology.

Now Mr Wilkinson, who has emerged as a leading voice in the dialogue between the scientific and religious communities, has been awarded a degree in systematic theology for his work on the Christian faith's views about the end of the Universe. Mr Wilkinson grew up in Annfield Plain, near Stanley, and attended Greencroft Comprehensive School.

After a career in science, he was ordained a Methodist minister and preached at a church in Liverpool.

Now living in Carrville, Durham City, he is the Wesley research lecturer in theology at the university's Department of Theology and Religion.

He has made regular appearances on television and radio, has lectured around the world and has written several books relating Christianity to science and pop culture, including God, Time and Stephen Hawking; The Power Of The Force: The Spirituality of the Star Wars Films and Creation.

Mr Wilkinson said: "Within Western culture, the assumption is often made that science has somehow demolished Christian faith, but this is not the case.

"Whether in contemporary cosmology or within science fiction, I see a tremendous openness to Christian faith.

"In my own experience, my Christian faith has encouraged me to both enjoy and take science seriously, and my science has always been fruitful rather than destructive for my Christian faith."