A FAMILY of ducks have been terrorised by children.

In one incident, the ducks, at Grewelthorpe, near Ripon, were pushed into the road in front of traffic.

The matter was reported to the parish council, but vice-chairman Peter Fettes believes it was an isolated incident because there have been no further complaints.

A parish council report said the children had been warned about the incident, but simply swore at officials.

The ducks are a popular feature of the village, with residents and visitors regularly stopping by to feed them.

Last year, the duck population grew so much that some of the birds were found a new home in Nidderdale.

Drivers approaching the pond, where ducks often cross the road, are warned by signs that there are ducks ahead.

A resident near the pond said the signs had drastically cut the number of ducks being killed by passing cars.

The resident said: "We were upset to hear there had been an incident involving the ducks and bad behaviour by children. We are keeping a watchful eye now.

"The ducks are so much a part of our community and people would be upset if they came to any harm."

Three years ago, an attempt to steal two ducks was foiled when the birds created such a flap that the thieves sped off.