A CHARITY has been formed to take control of council-owned sport and leisure facilities.

Richmondshire Leisure Trust (RLT) has been set up to manage Richmond Swimming Pool and the dual-use facility at Richmond School, currently run by the district council.

The move means the new organisation can take advantage of tax breaks and can obtain money from sources not open to local authorities.

"Where leisure trusts are already in operation, it has been found performance has improved, both in terms of customer service and financial viability," said council leader Councillor John Blackie.

"The creation of RLT marks a step forward in the way leisure services are managed and developed in the district."

The trust will receive an annual grant from the council, but all revenue generated by the facilities will be reinvested in sport and leisure provision.

The council's leisure contract manager Iain Garth said: "The future of the town pool is secure following the agreement of a new 20-year lease, and the trust will actively seek to expand its influence over sports and leisure provision in the district in due course."

A board of 11 volunteer directors will run the trust.

Nine have already been selected, but applications are still being taken for the remaining two posts.

"This is a chance to get in at the start of something new and exciting for the district," said Mr Garth.

"Ideal candidates would have a passion for sport and leisure activities, as well as having a relevant business skill - such as marketing, finance, or legal - to bring to the post."

Anyone interested in finding out more about becoming a trust director is asked to call Mr Garth on (01748) 829100.