A 13-YEAR-OLD boy has been told he must attend school as part of the conditions of his supervision order.

Darlington Youth Court heard that the teenager regularly plays truant and on Thursday spent only ten minutes in the classroom.

The boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared before magistrates having failed to comply with an existing supervision order imposed in July for the assault.

The court was told that he failed to attend meetings with the Youth Offending Team (YOT) on September 2, 8, 29, October 22 and November 3.

Gwen Burnett, in mitigation, said her client had been involved in the use of cannabis, but that it had stopped and his drug debts paid off.

She said he did not attend appointments because he did not want to walk to them.

"He looks into his future and there is just a blank space there," she said.

"It is very worrying for a boy of 13 not to have any dreams or ambitions or even wishes."

The youngster told magistrates that he was being threatened by other pupils at his school.

His existing order was revoked and he was sentenced to an 18-month supervision order, with conditions to attend school on a full-time basis, receive anger management training and attend all appointments with YOT.