A CONTROVERSIAL scheme to build a BMX track on a Middlesbrough housing estate has been approved.

Concerns had been raised about the location of the planned track next to the Beechwood Youth and Community Centre.

The project had been supported by members of Middlesbrough Council's executive committee but angry ward representatives objected to the decision, which resulted in it being brought before the council's overview and scrutiny board.

Beechwood councillor Joan McTigue told the meeting that residents were not against a BMX track but were opposed to the proposed site, which is bordered on one side by an £8,500 security fence built by the council to protect the youth and community centre.

The board decided not to refer the matter back to committee but considered the initial consultation process had shown weaknesses.

Chairman Councillor Mike Carr said: "There will be consultation on the BMX track and we are concerned a maintenance and security budget for the facility is identified."