RAILWAY FORUM: A forum has been set up to discuss a possible railway line in Saltburn. The Saltburn Line Users Group has arranged for a talk on community railways to be given by Neil Buxton, development manager for the Association of Community Rail Partnerships. The talk will be held at the Conservative Club in Saltburn, at 7pm on Tuesday, January 18. The meeting is for interested parties to investigate the development of the line to Saltburn as a community railway.

CHARITY DANCE: Golfers and their partners danced the night away and raised £400 towards a garden project at a residential home. Alan Waller and his Orchestra performed at Saltburn Golf Club in aid of Marske Cheshire Home and its 27 disabled young residents. The money will help build a garden area, which will include raised flower beds, sensory gardens and a water feature.

UNITY PRAYER: A service of Prayer for Christian Unity for the east Cleveland area will be held on Wednesday, January 19, in All Saints Church, Skelton, at 7pm. All are welcome.