A GOVERNMENT survey has praised a local council for its moves to make planning decisions available on the Internet.

Chester-le-Street District Council's planning web pages were rated 14th best in the country out of 387 planning authorities that took part in the survey by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

Over the past year, the council's planning department has introduced a number of changes to make more information on planning applications and decisions available online. Applicants can now submit planning and building regulations applications via the council's website, view the Local Plan online and read decisions made on all planning applications received by the council, a service which the council hopes to encourage more people to use.

There are plans over the next 12 months to give people access to detailed planning applications and drawings from home via the website.

Keith Davidson, chairman of the council's planning committee, said: "I am delighted with this result which puts us in the top five per cent of all councils nationally for addressing the needs of those with an interest in planning applications and decisions.

"This achievement reflects the dedication and professionalism of the council's staff in making our services more accessible to the public."

Log on to www.chester-le- street.gov.uk/planning