HANDYMAN Derek Bolam is being evicted from his house after he wrecked it in a series of DIY disasters.

Mr Bolam ripped out his staircase, left live wires dangling from holes in the ceiling and removed all his upstairs interior walls during late-night building sessions.

Neighbours were kept awake by banging, drilling, sawing and grinding starting at about 5am and going on late into the night.

Mr Bolam, 39, was given 21 days to leave the property after North Tyneside Council successfully applied to evict him from his terraced council house in Swindale Drive, Killingworth, North Tyneside.

Council inspectors said it was the worst case of botched DIY they had seen and said it could cost £12,400 to repair.

Spokesman Tony Jennings said: "I have worked in this area for 25 years and have never seen anything like it.

"You could stand in the bathroom and see right across the house. He had taken all the internal walls out upstairs.

"There were pipes exposed and there were no internal doors in the entire property. I could not believe anyone was living there."

Council building technician Paul Armstrong said: "He said he was a qualified builder, but he did not seem to know what he was doing."

Bolam ignored warnings to stop his construction and by February last year, had stripped away his staircase -leaving his wife Hayley, son Derek and stepson Jamie having to climb a ladder to get upstairs.

Newcastle County Court heard how Bolam suffers from three personality disorders and two psychiatric conditions, which had contributed to the devastation.