At least 150,000 homes in the North-East have been left with no electricity after strong gales brought down lines over the weekend.

The region was also hit with flooding, with the Tyne Valley worst affected when the river burst its banks.

Flood warnings have now been reduced to flood watches, but more rain is expected at about midday on Sunday.

The majority of homes have had power restored, but the electricity supply company NEDL said staff were working round the clock to restore supplies to 60,000 homes in the region.

There were delays on the Tyne and Wear Metro because of blown down trees. However, normal service has now been resumed.

Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service said 42 people were taken from their homes by ladder and by boat in Corbridge, where cars have been submerged by water.

North Yorkshire Police said about a dozen lorries were overturned on the A1 between Scotch Corner and Wetherby during the storms.

For information on flooding and the situation on the roads call the NEDL line on 0845 9881188.