WATERCOLOUR PAINTING: The next meeting of Skelton Men's Group is on Thursday, January 20, at 7.30pm, at the Annandale, Station Road, Skelton. The subject will be Watercolour Painting by Janet Outhwaite and all materials will be supplied.

SOCIETY MEETS: Cleveland Industrial Archaeology Society meets in the Friends Meeting House in High Street, Great Ayton, on Tuesday, from 7.30pm.

HERITAGE PRESENTATION: Guisborough's history will be the focus of the Redcar Lecture Society, presented by Roger Darnton. It will be held in the upstairs meeting hall of the Redcar Central Library tomorrow at 7.15pm. Admission is £1.50.

ALADDIN ON STAGE: Saltburn '53 Drama Group is performing Aladdin at the Saltburn Community Theatre. Shows start on Thursday, at 7pm. Tickets are available from Kings of Saltburn on (01287) 622246 and also at the door priced £4.50, £3.50 for concessions.