A TEN-YEAR-OLD quad-biker who is severely disabled is moving up a gear in his quest to become a champion.

Richard Flaherty, from Hartlepool, has secured the sponsorship to move up a class.

Richard, who has cerebral palsy and spastic quadraplega, has already ridden against able-bodied competitors in national championships.

He first took to his quad bike when he was four and has taken part in the past two annual National Off Road Association British Championships, competing against able-bodied riders aged up to 15 on standard 100cc vehicles.

Now, he aims to continue taking part in competitions in places including South Lincolnshire and Oxford, along with his twin brother, Simon.

Thanks to sponsorship from Anderson's ATV Bikes in Wolsingham, County Durham, he can now raise his class to compete in the Viper section of races.

Richard's father, Steve, said he and his wife, Renee, were "incredibly proud" of their son's achievements.

He said: "Richard has to put a lot of effort into whatever he does to succeed and things are not always easy for him. However, he has a very positive winning attitude.

"His other hobbies include climbing at Sunderland Indoor Wall, five-a-side football and swimming."

In the Viper challenge, all machines are made by the same manufacturer and Mr Flaherty said sponsorship from Paul Anderson, who owns Anderson ATV Bikes, was vital.