A YOUNG graduate is taking her first steps to success with a new business venture.

State registered chiropodist Laura McNamee will care for all types of feet at the Podology clinic, in Milton Street, Saltburn, east Cleveland.

The 24-year-old, from Skelton, who has a degree in podiatry, is offering therapies to soothe aching feet.

She said: "Opening my own clinic seemed the natural step to take. I've had a huge amount of interest already.

"The image of chiropody is gradually changing and people of all ages are increasingly aware that they need to look after their feet."

Podology, the name of the clinic, means science of the foot. Treatments range from footcare advice and management of corns, calluses and verrucae to bio-mechanical assessment, diabetic footcare and vascular investigation.

Within the next six months Laura aims to recruit a full-time receptionist and footcare assistant.

Anyone interested can contact Laura on 01287 622280.