BUSINESSES in Bishop Auckland are to be offered free advice about the Disability Discrimination Act at a two-day event at the end of this month.

The Wear Valley Disability Access Forum is hosting the drop-in sessions in The Newgate Centre in the town and will provide information on how traders can make reasonable adjustments to their premises to comply with the Act.

The event will reveal the results of a comprehensive audit that the forum has carried out in Bishop Auckland town centre and leaflets will be available to highlight the main issues which need to be addressed.

Town centre manager Derek Toon warned that traders need to keep in mind that ignorance of what the Act is about will not be an excuse in the eyes of the law.

He said: "I encourage all businesses in the town centre to come along and talk to the forum about how the Act will affect them.

"Many will need to make changes and the forum can help to point them in the right direction."

Businesses can go along to the old Bo Peep shop unit in the Newgate Centre between 10am and 4pm on Thursday, January 27, and Friday, January 28.