A GROUP of people will see their efforts recognised when they are presented with community sports leader awards this week.

An intensive training week in July last year was led by Jimmy Wattis and Leanne Oxley, from Middlesbrough Council's sports and leisure service.

Those taking part were required to develop their skills coaching sports and other physical activities on a voluntary basis to qualify for the award.

Mr Wattis, a sports development officer, said: "The candidates were from quite diverse backgrounds but each one had untapped leadership qualities.

"The training has given them the confidence to go into the heart of Middlesbrough's communities to show people how to enhance their health and quality of life."

The course is one of a series of initiatives organised as part of the council's community cohesion pathfinder programme, which aims to bring people from different parts of town together and increase understanding of sport.

The community sports leaders will be presented with their certificates at Southland Leisure Centre in Middlesbrough on Wednesday at 5pm.