A DOG was denied food for so long that it starved to death despite attempts to save it.

The dark brindle Staffordshire Bull Terrier-cross was found in a garden in Crook, County Durham, before Christmas and taken to Paul Wilson's veterinary surgery in Bishop Auckland.

It was half its normal weight, had no fat and the only thing in its stomach was a small piece of leather collar.

Vet Samantha Goldberg said: "The dog was collapsed when he came in and was very cold and emaciated. We warmed him up, put him on a drip and he managed to eat a small tin of convalescent diet. Unfortunately, he died later that evening, despite intensive care from the nursing staff.

"He had long nails and looked as if he may have been locked in a shed with very dirty conditions for some weeks, if not longer.

"If anyone can identify where this dog might have come from it would be very helpful because the suffering this dog went through should not have to be endured by any animal."

RSPCA inspector Gavin Butterfield also appealed for help from the public to track down the owner.

He said: "Who knows the suffering the dog went through before it died?

"We don't get many cases worse than this. It is very sad.

"We have to get hold of whoever did this.

"It was locked up somewhere and somebody must know."

Anyone with information is asked to contact the RSPCA on 08705 555999.