THE results of a survey into how much council tax York residents want to pay will be announced today.

The opinion poll will reveal the city's verdict on what level of tax should be set for next year.

More than 80,000 voting leaflets have been posted at a cost of £10,000 asking people to vote on three alternative tax rises of ten per cent, 7.5 per cent and five per cent.

The ruling Liberal Demorcats have warned that cuts of up to £3m could be made without a ten per cent increase.

Council leader Steve Galloway said thousands of people had responded to the poll.

He said: "At the very least, we have succeeded in raising interest in the issues facing local government.

"Many respondents will accept, though, that the difficulties facing the council have been exacerbated by the unfair system of local government grants which adversely impacts on York.

"What remains to be seen is whether local tax payers are prepared to pick up some of the bill for the failings of central government."

Coun Galloway has said the council will respect the results of the ballot when it tables its final proposals in February.

However, Coun Dave Merrett, the leader of the Labour Group, has said the Liberal Democrats want to use the results of the poll in order to "pass the buck" for service cuts and car park increases.

He said: "We believe the information and options residents were given were totally inadequate and presented false choices.

"It is therefore difficult to decide what weight to put on the results."