DETECTIVES have vowed not to give up on the hunt for a conman whose 82-year-old victim died hours after being targeted.

Pensioner George Sharpe suffered a fatal heart attack after being tricked out of £200 at his home in Faraday Terrace, Haswell, near Peterlee, on January 8, 2003.

The thief posed as a council workman and conned his way inside by claiming he needed to check the heating insulation.

Detective Superintendent Harry Stephenson, who is leading the inquiry, said: "It was a despicable crime. We are determined to catch this man."

Mr Sharpe's sister-in-law, Sue Hutchinson, 74, said at the time: "George didn't have to die as he did - shocked and upset.

"Any burglary is wrong, but to target an elderly man who could hardly walk, was very frail and unable to defend himself, is just beyond belief."

Detectives combed Mr Sharpe's house for evidence after his death and unearthed a cigarette end believed to have been left by the thief.

DNA was extracted from it and details have been placed on a databank used by forces nationwide.

Mr Stephenson said: "The advances in DNA mean we have every hope of catching the man responsible. We will never stop searching for him."

Anyone with information can call Peterlee police on 0191-586 2621 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.