AN ARTIST made a successful return to her old college to guide students to create a series of public artworks.

Georgina Peak won a commission from Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council's arts development department to produce work with a theme of the local environment.

The students from Prior Pursglove College, in Guisborough, North Yorkshire, painted six panels.

Georgina, who left the sixth form in 1997 and studied at the Cleveland College of Art and Design, organised a series of workshops with over 50 first-year art and design students, developing research into drawings and paintings.

The former Hull School of Art pupil said: "I encouraged them to create paintings in groups, often working on a large scale.

"The final six panels developed with students painting into, and sometimes over, each others' work.

"I'm really pleased with how the work has evolved. All the students produced an interesting and diverse range of ideas and everyone has gained from the experience."

The council's arts development officer Joanne Hodgson said: "We're delighted with the final pieces and I'm sure they will be greatly received by the general public."

The work was previewed at the college and will be displayed at public buildings, starting at the Redcar Bus Station Centre next month.