A NORTH hospital said it issued an alert after a record number of patients were admitted over the Christmas period.

The alert was given by York Hospital to partner groups in health and community care during a hectic period over Christmas.

A record 111 emergency admissions to the hospital were made in one day.

Twenty of them were admitted after suffering falls, being in accidents or for routine complaints, while the rest were suffering from acute chest problems and infections, pneumonia and associated heart problems.

Ambulance bosses said the excessive demand led to delays, but said that crews worked closely with hospital staff to improve patient flow and that no patients were left waiting in ambulances.

A spokeswoman for the York Hospitals NHS Trust said 111 people were admitted on Wednesday, December 29, compared to an average of 65 to 75 people, depending on the time of year and day of the week.

She said: "As a result, we communicated a 'red alert' to all our partner organisations in health and community care, briefing them on the very high demand for our hospital and accident and emergency services.

"As expected for the time of year, the high level of activity meant a high number of ambulances bringing patients to the hospital.

"Accident and emergency staff worked throughout the period with ambulance crews to ensure patients were taken into the department and ambulances turned around with the minimum of delay."

The alert was lifted after two days, although the hospital is still busy, with staff working hard to maintain services.

The spokeswoman said: "They have all done a splendid job at a time most people take for granted as a holiday period."