THIRTY people have been arrested in police raids that also netted cocaine and cannabis worth £16,000.

Officers from Northumbria went to 16 homes in Byker, Walker and Walkergate, in the east end of Newcastle.

The raids, part of Operation Lace - itself part of the force's Freeze Out seasonal campaign against crime - also led to the recovery of more than £3,000 in stolen goods. They included a motorbike, a CD and DVD copying suite and counterfeit DVDs.

Those arrested were held for offences including possessing drugs, possessing drugs with intent to supply, vehicle theft and handling stolen goods.

Police worked with staff from the Local Initiatives for the EastEnd to gather information on local drug dealers and criminals before carrying out the raids.

Inspector Peter Farr said: "Operation Lace was a big success but could not have taken place without the help of local residents passing on information.

"The success of the operation reinforces the importance of members of public coming forward and passing on information about drug dealing."