A WORKSHOP is to explain some of the techniques of short story writing.

The event is part of Darlington Arts Centre's support for The Short Story Competition, also backed by The Northern Echo and Orange.

Designed for writers aged 17 and over, the closing date for the free, national competition is March 31. There is also a junior section for writers aged 11 to 16.

The workshop, at the arts centre, in Vane Terrace, is on Wednesday February 16, from 10am to 3pm and there is a nominal £2 charge.

The course will be taken by Darlington author John Dean.

More information and booking details can be obtained from the borough council box office on (01325) 486555.

The maximum length of stories for the adult category of the competition, which attracted more than 500 entries last year, is 3,000 words. First prize is £300.

Stories for the junior category must be no more than 2,000 words and winners will receive a book token donated by Ottakar's store in Darlington.

Full details of rules and conditions are available on The Northern Echo website at www.theshort story.co.uk or by sending a stamped addressed envelope to John Dean, c/o The Northern Echo Newsdesk, PO Box 14, Darlington, County Durham DL1 1NF.

Leaflets will be available at selected arts venues across the region. Regular updates will be published in The Northern Echo and on its website.

* The website link for more useful tips on writing is www.orangelabyrinth.co.uk