ADVENTUROUS Steve Coupland is to undertake a mountainous challenge to raise money for a breast cancer charity after his wife overcame the disease.

The 54-year-old, of Gresham Close, Darlington, will climb Mount Aconcagua, in Argentina, on behalf of Breast Cancer Care.

He has been campaigning for the charity since 1998, when his wife, Christine, was diagnosed.

Mr Coupland, who has run marathons in Rotterdam, Prague, Paris, New York and Moscow, is relishing his latest task.

Mount Aconcagua is, at 22,830ft, the highest mountain in the southern and western hemisphere.

The 24-day expedition later this month will take place in freezing temperatures.

Mr Coupland said: "I pay for all my trips myself. This one has cost me £4,000 and I am having to buy holidays from work so I can go."

Anyone wishing to sponsor Mr Coupland can telephone him on (01325) 264273 or the website at