A CHURCH celebrating the completion of a £100,000 restoration scheme has been named as one of the country's best Catholic churches.

St Joseph's, in Pickering, North Yorkshire, was designed by the leading Catholic architect of the day, Leonard Stokes.

A new book on the best Catholic churches in England said it was one of the finest examples of his work.

Parish Priest Father Bill East said: "The book describes St Joseph's as being understated, which is quite unusual for Victorian churches, which are often very ornate."

Its features include several different styles of arches incorporated by Stokes.

Father East said: "They are all harmonious, but not uniform."

It was only in the 19th Century that Catholic churches were built, following the reign of Henry VIII.

A grade II-listed building, St Joseph's, in Potter Hill, has a new roof as part of the restoration.

Now, Father East wants to restore the statue of St Joseph, which is set into one wall of the church, but which is weatherbeaten.

The cost of restoring the statue and its crumbling surround has been estimated at £2,000.

It is hoped that once renovated, the statue could be lit and become a feature in Pickering at night.