A TOWN council is supporting extended delivery times to a local supermarket.

Safeways in Barnard Castle wants to make 24-hour deliveries for five days while the store is fully converted to Morrisons.

It is only allowed deliveries between 5.30pm and 10am to prevent the adjacent car park becoming too congested.

There were some concerns that 24-hour delivery would disturb local residents.

However, Councillor Pam Grunwell said: "They're already delivering in the night, if this was inconveniencing local residents we would have found out about it by now."

Councillor Newton Wood said: "This is no different to what they're doing at the moment except they want to deliver in the day.

"The car park won't be full because the shop won't be open we should help the local store in the town and not restrict them."

The town council recommended the temporary relaxation in conditions is approved by Teesdale District Council.