EDUCATION chiefs are facing mounting opposition to plans to close two Darlington schools.

The borough council revealed this week that Rise Carr Primary School, in Eldon Street, would close in the summer if an independent committee supported the plan.

Albert Hill Nursery School, in Prescott Street, is earmarked to be merged with Gurney Pease Primary School.

The council insisted that the closures were the solution to the problem of surplus places.

The proposals will go before the cabinet next Tuesday.

A report to the cabinet shows that Rise Carr has about 35 surplus places, caused by falling birth rates.

Liberal Democrat councillor for North Road, Stephen Jones, said he and party colleagues were appalled at the handling of the issue.

He said: "We are going to ask the education department for the facts and figures they have based this on because we hadn't been told about it."

Coun Jones said he had heard rumours about the closure before Christmas, but was assured by the council that the rumours were not true.

He said: "We as ward councillors, and indeed all other councillors, should have been informed."

Rise Carr community governor Gloriana Morehead said: "This school is working very well with a committed and conscientious staff and we are sorry it's been earmarked for closure."

A council spokesman said a schools review had been carried out in response to an Audit Commission report.

He said: "If the cabinet approves the report, further consultation will take place."

The proposed Albert Hill nursery closure has also been greeted by opposition.

Parents are meeting tomorrow to draw up a petition against the move, which they will present to the council and MP Alan Milburn.

The council also wants to demolish part of Corporation Road Primary School