CRIMES against businesses top the agenda for community safety experts this month.

The Safer Ryedale partnership and the economic development team from Ryedale District Council are hosting an event called Crime is our Business.

It will educate firms on how to protect themselves against criminals. Yorkshire Forward, Malton and Norton Shopwatch, local security firms and planning officers will all be represented during the day.

Guest speakers will include retired Chief Supintendent Anthony McDermott, who is now working for the national body, Action Against Crime.

PC Terry Triffitt from Safer Ryedale hopes the open day will give valuable guidance. "We've invited some business advisors to speak, as well as a wide range of exhibitors offering a wealth of advice," he said.

"We need to ensure local businesses have all the information available to help them fight retail and business-related crimes.

"We see this event as a golden opportunity to pass on advice and practical ideas, as well as showing local criminals we mean business."

The event is being held on Tuesday, January 25 at The Green Man Hotel, Malton, from 10.30am to 7pm.

Entry is free and all are welcome.